I am so excited! After months and months my new course is ready: How to Be a Professional Outdoor & Nature Photographer

This course covers what to shoot, where to shoot, how to market, how to organize your business, how to price and negotiate sales of your images, stock photo agents, photography assignments, and much, much more. 

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And it is on sale right now at $79, that’s $100 OFF. Use coupon code GO79

Day 4 and 5 were wonderful as well chilled a little and hung closer to home. We mixed through West End Village and met many wonderful people, locals and from abroad.

This is a great place where you fit right in with most everybody speaking English. They are happy you are here and frequent their business while others will give a tour around neighborhoods without  expecting anything in return.

The highlight of the day was clearly these laughing birds. Not sure if they are parrots or a different tropical bird, but this was fun in Roatan Honduras

We arrived in Roatan about 36 hours ago and jumped right into checking out the scenery, food, a few bars, and meeting other ex-pats. So far it has all been wonderful and we haven’t seen anything yet.

The people or ‘islanders’ are very friendly and the non-islanders as well. I find this interesting as an American, when you walk down the sidewalk, few people greet you. Neither do I. Everybody’s on a mission. Here everybody greets you for the most part.

While there are some who push their wares on you, it is nowhere near as bad as Cancun and other places. I understand how they need to make a living and I would be happy to oblige if I need something.