On one fall photography trip to New England, I had spent about 2 weeks in New Hampshire and Vermont, capturing an amazing array of rivers, mountains, waterfalls, country scenes, and ponds.

I had shot so many ponds and lakes with amazing color reflecting in the water that on the day I shot this, I felt I did not need another pond reflection.

vt_pond_near_glover_mg_9267So after parking my car and walking through the forest to see this pond near Glover VT, I felt I had to find a different view.

That need to for something different is what had me stop and look at this scene through the trees and branches. So I set up and framed the pond and reflection between the trees and this is the shot. The trees place visual boundaries on the sides and that helps keep the eye centered on the background, through the branches.

I must have had a decent idea as this was published once in a Vermont book.

See more of my photography, ebook, and online classes on the right of this page.

Related posts: Window to the World, I love photographing in Crappy Weather


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