Last night I drove into the Kofa National Wildlife Refuge to photograph the desert and mountains. I am searching for wildflowers displays and to see if anything is showing up yet. I have seen some color along the freeway, but nothing in the mountains yet and I have more areas to explore.
Here is some Cholla Cactus and the Kofa Mountains.
We sold our lovely log cabin in the mountains and have hit the road in our RV and presently we are parked for 5 days on California’s Rincon Parkway. So i am using my iPhone and shooting what I find on a 1 mile stretch of beach.
We sold our lovely log cabin in the mountains and have hit the road in our RV and presently we are parked for 5 days on California’s Rincon Parkway. So i am using my iPhone and shooting what I find on a 1 mile stretch of beach.
We sold our lovely log cabin in the mountains and have hit the road in our RV and presently we are parked for 5 days on California’s Rincon Parkway. So i am using my iPhone and shooting what I find on a 1 mile stretch of beach.
We sold our lovely log cabin in the mountains and have hit the road in our RV and presently we are parked for 5 days on California’s Rincon Parkway. So i am using my iPhone and shooting what I find on a 1 mile stretch of beach.
We sold our lovely log cabin in the mountains and have hit the road in our RV and presently we are parked for 5 days on California’s Rincon Parkway.
So i thought it would be fun to use my iPhone and shoot what I found on a 1 mile stretch of beach that we walk with the dog every day and at different times. Here is today’s:
This next image is from the old Hwy 1 ‘seawall’ or whatever it is called. The old metal is rusting.
This image is from Capitol Reef and while I am no geologist I found this rock interesting in the late light. There were multiple layers on top of each other and each had a different pattern to it. They were thin and separating and if I was to guess the ripples indicated that water flowed across at one time. Or maybe wind? Sand dunes? Just guessing! Anybody know?
I was teaching a workshop last weekend: The Business of Outdoor Photography at the Cascade Center of Photography and then had a chance to run up to Sparks Lake in Oregon and do some shooting. There is a beautiful mountain there hidden by the clouds and as you can see, and the light is horrible.
So I bracketed for HDR which once processed makes the white clouds have lots of detail. Since the color was poor as well, then a B&W made for a more interesting image.
In Photoshop I punched up the blacks a little more and then lightened the center of the image a little bit more to draw the eye.
We really had a strange spring in the Central Oregon Mountains. It snowed 3″ last Thursday and that’s after some days that were almost 80 degrees.
While it can snow anytime of the year here, it looks like the warming is here to stay and with that comes that summer wildflowers. We don’t really have spring wildflowers. They arrive in June and leave in August depending where they are located.
Canon 5D 17 - 35 mm lens at 20mm
The back of my property has Shooting Stars all over the place and I plan to photograph them shortly, but thought I would share some images form wildflowers along the Deschutes River from last July.
These are starting to show and I hope to get there and see what’s out and hopefully photograph in the next week or two.
The Cascade Center of Photography will be conducting a seminar called: Exploring the Business of Outdoor Photography, June 29th – July 1st, 2012, in Bend, Oregon.
If you have a passion for outdoor and nature photography and wish to make money and even a living at it, this seminar covers all the territory. Many photographers have very marketable images, but no idea how to get them to market, let alone, into a clients publication. The business is competitive and the sooner you learn how to shoot for the market and who buys your photography, the sooner you can realize a profit. But if you have no experience, where do you start? This workshop will show you how