by Tina Marten

With so many businesses in the real estate space, it can be tough to distinguish your own
company and ensure that you stand head and shoulders above your competition. Whether
you’re a corporate employee, a broker, or a real estate agent, you’re trying to get your
business ahead of the curve. Today, Great Photography Courses suggests these best
practices to help you advance in the real estate industry.

Form an LLC
While you can run a real estate business as a sole proprietor, you’ll be able to secure more
benefits as an LLC, or limited liability company. Plus, forming your LLC can help you stay
organized in terms of your finances. With LLC status, you’ll get tax breaks that can help you
save money, and your personal assets will be protected if you run into economic
challenges. If you haven’t already registered your business with your state, you can use an
online formation service for this process.

Research Your Competition
How can you learn about your competitors and apply their own techniques to the way you
run your business? Staying current with your research is essential! This is where
networking comes into play. In addition to conducting market research in your area,
making a consistent effort to meet other people in the real estate industry can help you pick
up on your competitors’ strategies. RealTrends recommends improving your social media
, joining local organizations for real estate professionals, and building strong
vendor relationships with other companies in your industry.

Open Client Communications
When someone is house hunting, they’re trying to make a major financial decision on a
relatively short timeline, and they want to know that their real estate agent is looking out
for their best interests. Effective communication is crucial, and if your clients feel that you
aren’t responding quickly enough, they may be tempted to work with someone else. Make
every effort to respond to your clients promptly over different communication channels,
including phone calls, emails, and texts.

You can also engage your clients – and potential future ones – through social media. Keep
your followers abreast of new listings, changes in the market, and policy updates that might
affect their choices. You can also use memes as a fun way to convey this information. You
can use a free tool like this one to put together pictures or videos along with text and sound
to share this content. If you want to take better pictures to share instead of relying on stock
photography and basic techniques, look into Great Photography Courses online. The quality
of your pictures can greatly affect your clients’ impressions of available real estate.

Manage Client Emotions
Buying property isn’t just a financial decision – it’s also an emotional decision. Your clients
are trying to make smart choices for themselves and their families, and they might have
highly specific visions of their future that they need you to help them achieve. This means
that you’re not just a real estate professional – you’ve also got to provide emotional

What can you do to help your clients alleviate stress and feel calm during the house-
hunting process? Inman recommends clarifying each step they’ll need to take to purchase a
home, listening with empathy, and encouraging clients to get involved with the process by
attending inspections.

Stay Up to Date With Software
Running your business is easy when you have the right software! A customer relationship
management system is a smart investment for real estate professionals. This will help you
keep track of all of your customer leads and keep your sales and marketing data organized.
You won’t have to worry about letting a potential sales opportunity pass you by! Look for a
CRM system that was specifically designed with real estate professionals in mind. It will
have all of the features you need to run your business efficiently.

Connect with Your Clients
In a crowded industry, you need to go the extra mile to win clients and grow your business.
Steps like consistent communication and great photography can make the difference
between you and your competition. With these tips, you’ll feel confident in your real estate
business strategy.

Photo via Pexels

by Tina Martin

Source – Unsplash


They say that a picture is worth a thousand words, so it is important to take the best photos possible. While many of us envision ourselves as good photographers when we snap shots with our cell phones, there is nothing quite like having a great picture that was taken by a professional. Here at Great Photography Courses, we pride ourselves on taking outstanding images of events and outstanding portraits, so we have some reasons why you should hire a professional photographer for your next important event.

Why Do You Need a Pro?

Yes, we all have cameras on our phones and they get more advanced with every new smartphone that is released, but that still doesn’t compare to the shots taken by photographers.

One of the reasons for this is that professionals have the best equipment that puts most phones to shame and they know how to use it. The fact is that if you take every single picture with the same lens, you are not going to get the quality images that you are hoping for. Photographers understand this, which is why they have a large selection of lenses and filters that they can use for any given application. That way you are sure to get the best photo.

Professional photographers also understand the science of shadow, light, and angles. They know that they have to stand in a certain spot to get the best picture and they also know where their subject should be so they can be seen in the best light. Basically, photographers know all of the tricks that lead to the most awe-inspiring photos. If you cannot do that yourself, then you should spend the money on a professional.

When You Need a Photographer

There are some instances where you absolutely need a professional to take the best photo. One example is when it comes to taking pictures of your newborn baby or younger child. We all know the struggles of trying to take photos of a baby. It can be near impossible to get them to stay still for long enough to get the shot, and even if you do, you may not be using the best filter or lens to get the most high-quality image possible. A professional photographer knows exactly what to do to make this process a piece of cake.

You should also consider hiring a professional photographer when you are taking product pictures for your business for advertisements and promotional materials, especially if you intend to create a Facebook ad and want to make the best impression possible on your potential customers. A professional photographer understands the balance of lighting, subject, angle, and proportion that can ensure your commercial images are beautiful and captivating the first time. Commercial photos are often unique because they focus on a particular feature of the product and you will need that to be perfect.

Professional photographers are also best when taking photos of your home when you place it on the market. After you have made updates to get the house ready for sale, like upping your curb appeal and removing clutter both inside and out, hire a pro to get great shots of your home in pristine condition. They will know tricks to get the best perspective on a room when space is limited, and they will get the lighting just right to make your home look warm and inviting.

Considerations When Finding a Photographer

When it comes time to find a professional photographer, you will need to find the best person for the job. Go online and do your research as you look for photographers in your area and look at the reviews from previous customers to ensure that it is a reputable company. You should also ask for a price quote to ensure that you are getting a deal that fits within your budget.

When you talk to the photographer, mention the type of event that you need them for. It is important because the complexity of the pictures will determine how involved the production may be. So, real estate photos may take less legwork than a full family photo shoot. If you are still unable to find the best photographer, then ask for referrals from family and friends.

As you can see, there are some important factors that go into hiring a professional photographer. It can all seem a little overwhelming at first, but with a little research, you will find the perfect fit.

Great Photography Courses can teach you how to light an interior without the scene looking lit, how to find a storytelling angle, how to deal with poor light, how to fix bad color, how to work fast to be more profitable, and a whole lot more. Let us know if you have any questions!

by Tina Martin

Tips for Selling Your Photography at Art Fairs
Art and craft shows can be exciting opportunities for your photography business. Shoppers
are primed to spend money on art, giving you access to a wealth of potential customers. To
get the most from your registration fee, it’s important to plan and prepare appropriately.

Selecting Photos
As you select prints, ensure that the majority have a broad appeal. Eye-catching landscapes,
familiar landmarks, and abstract imagery often lead to higher sales. Photos with
recognizable faces, on the other hand, tend to have a more limited market. Invest in high-
quality prints to show off your work.

Displaying Your Work
A successful art fair booth is all about aesthetics. On the most visible areas of your display,
hang photos that draw people in. Don’t be afraid to use color, intriguing shots, or
spectacular images. Then, give customers a reason to stick around by hanging your best
photos on the walls, gallery style. Finally, use boxes of smaller, matted prints to encourage
people to flip through your affordable products.

Marketing Your Business
In addition to photos, you’ll need a sign to identify your business as well as business cards
and other marketing materials. Complete the booth with an attractive table or table
covering that matches the vibe of your work.

If you don’t have one, a logo is a must. It gives your photography business a professional
look and helps you stand out from other vendors. Don't have the budget for a designer? An
online logo designer is a free, easy option; all you need to do is customize pre-designed
templates with icons, text, and colors.

Choosing Prices
Pricing your photography is a big factor in total sales — it’s important to set prices that are
appropriate for the event, location, and expected clientele. If you’re displaying your work at
a small-town craft fair, bring a stock of smaller, more affordable prints. Fine art festivals
tend to attract collectors and people with higher spending limits, so you can get away with
larger, more expensive prints.

Managing Physical Prints
The supplies for a photo display can take up a surprising amount of space. In addition to
the prints, you’ll need to pack walls, a canopy, hanging supplies, a table, a chair, and
marketing materials. Ensure that everything arrives in good condition by renting a cargo
van or a small moving trailer.

Handling and Recording Payments
At a busy art show, a fast and seamless payment-processing system is essential. Consider
offering a variety of options, such as Venmo and a credit card processor from services such
as Square or PayPal. Make sure to bring plenty of change for cash payments.

After the fair, record all sales carefully in preparation for tax time. For more filing
flexibility, reduced liability, and less paperwork, consider registering your photography
business as an LLC. Read your state’s rules before you proceed; every state has the freedom
to regulate LLCs as it sees fit. If you’re feeling overwhelmed and want to avoid attorney
fees, a formation service can handle LLC registration for you.

Art Fairs Can Boost Your Photography Business
When you’re prepared, art fairs can be a great way to increase profits and find new
customers for your photography business. If you’re looking to expand your services, check
out The Real Estate Photography Course.

Image via Pexels